Hello friends!! There is so much goodness in the garden now and I love to spend as much time there as possible planting, weeding, harvesting... especially cutting flowers to bring inside. These black-eyed susans and queen anne's lace are from our meadow, in a wicker pitcher I happened to find at the thrift store... The glads and sunflowers bloom at the same time in the cutting garden, so this combination has become an annual tradition... A daylily variety I added this summer and that I hope will multiply and completely fill in under this tree... It was an unusually cool month of July for us, with one morning down to 48 degrees. Plenty of rain has everything lush and green as if it were spring... The garden harvest has included strawberries, tomatoes, basil, dill, cucumbers, green beans, zucchini, summer squash, lettuce, radishes, peppers and carrots. Last week I made a batch of refrigerator pickles, and I have frozen up bags of strawberries, shredded zucchini, green beans, and carrots for the cold winter months... The limelight hydrangeas are beginning to bloom and soon those bouquets will fill the rooms. Below are a few of the oakleaf hydrangea flowers from the plant I bought at Monticello... After working in the garden, you might find me on the back porch glider, looking out at the garden, with some iced tea in hand... Hope your summer has been good, I would love to hear what you have been up to!
~ Deb
DebFinding truth and beauty in the simple things in life. Categories
January 2022